Difference of Ankara in health industry presentation
Ankara is going on proceeding emphatically be the making of being a leader city in health tourism as in many fields. The attraction and powerful position of Ankara in health industry result from economic indicators.
According to Turkish Statistical Institute data, Ankara, is the second city with 4,65 million population, is the second also with urbanization rate (%97,1) and is the fourth with income per capita rate (9,056 $). On the other hand, according to study of Economics and Foreign Policy Studies Centre , Ankara is the first with 100 index value about rivalry index, is the second with labour market (95,9), is the ninth with economical effectiveness and dynamism index (92,4).
All indicators (doctors, pharmacy, dentists and hospitals for 10.000 people) are better than country wide when Ankara is researched from the point of general health indicators.
Except hospitals to be given service are in competition themselves, Ankara still attracts all new health service providers because of having a wide market, being a capital city and being placed in the middle of country, making a request from other cities, having the most crowded second population as we consider.
4.515 business ventures have being done within sanitation and social services in Ankara. This number is 48.709 in country wide. The rate in Ankara is % 9, 27. This rate is quite high when it is considered in country wide.
Ankara has potential of being one of the best health centre of Europe next five years with educated and experienced doctor staff, comfortable healthcare organization and hard liner from quality and scientific service that is increasing day by day as well as easy transportation.